If you have are experiencing a dental emergency, it is important that you contact our practice immediately. The practice can be reached on (08) 8326 1200, if it is out of hours either leave your name and contact details on our answering machine, we will get back to you as soon as we can OR you can book an appointment on our home page via HealthEngine. If the pain is extreme you may need to go to a emergency department of a local hospital to obtain pain relief. Where we are able, we will try to look at a genuine dental emergency on the day.
Regular check-ups can help detect dental problems early and reduce future dental expense. Our examinations are very thorough to ensure no issues are left unnoticed. Six monthly cleans are a very important part of dental health, and help prevent gum and bone infections.
Contact us today for a thorough consultation one of our friendly team members.
If you’re experiencing pain when chewing, facial swelling or sensitivity to hot and cold beverages, you need to have the tooth examined. In some circumstanced, the nerve of the tooth may have become infected and a Root Canal Treatment can help save the tooth. Root Canal Treatment is a process of disinfection to restore the tooth to function without pain.
If you are experiencing similar symptoms don't delay - your oral health is important to you and early action can often reduce the costs substantially. Call us now on 8326 1200.
We’ve made a list of Do’s and Don’ts to help make your little one’s Dental Appointment a success.
Instill trust in the Dental Operator and say they will answer your questions
Say “sleepy juice”
Evoke excitement for your child’s dental appointment
Sit back evoking confidence in the dental practitioner and allow them to be the voice in the room
Talk positively about their dental experience
Give your child to much info about their appointment
Say the word “needle”
Use the dentist as a threat or punishment
Helicopter parent during the appointment
Tell your child about negative dental experiences you’ve had